Not really this is a cool ceremony to call in the dark energies of the world and ourselves to acknowledge them and feed them and then to let them go. There is a short intro I edited together at the begging The drum at the beginning are very cool and though this is a pretty esoteric Buddhist ceremony it's interesting to watch. Enjoy!
Segaki Ceremony At Great Vow Zen Monastery. This is a ceremony that ends a month of calling in the hungry ghosts or darker parts of our own nature. He talks about the need to integrate all of ourselves into life and to know the shadow parts of ourselves so we can help ourselves and others.
"The segaki (施餓鬼?, "feeding the hungry ghosts") is a ritual of Japanese Buddhism, traditionally performed to stop the suffering of the gaki, ghosts tormented by insatiable hunger. Today, the ceremony also gives participants an opportunity to remember those who have died and to symbolically sever ties with past sins.
According to legend, the segaki began as a way for Moggallana (Maudgalyayna), on instruction of his master, the Buddha Sakyamuni, to free his mother from gaki-do, the realm of the gaki." -Wikipedia
Segaki Part 1
Segaki Part 2
Dharma Talk Abour Segaki
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