30 Day Vows: A New Start to New Starts
So I heard this really good TED Talk http://www.ted.com/talks/matt_cutts_try_something_new_for_30_days.html and I really liked the idea.
I recently started exercising after completing a 30 day vow to exercise for 30 mins a day and that vow has turned into a daily habit. So this talk got me thinking about the power of vow and the idea of trying something new every month.
So here is my vow. I figured since this is my first one I better do a few to really break myself in.
Vow 1: I vow for the next 30 days I'm going to and start a blog about making a vow and working with it.
Vow 2: I vow to post in this blog at least once a week ideally more.
Vow 3:I vow to work on my vow everyday unless I really truly can't aka no lame excuses. (For example I do a one week silent retreat every month so some vows won't be possible during that time)
This is the vow I will be working with for the month
Vow For Month 1:I vow to start a to do list of 10 items (I know I could have one that is longer) and I will look at this list once a day and work on one item each day with the goal of completing it that day.
So that is my intention and now you know about it. Let me know if you would like to join me in the vow for this month and I'll be happy to share your experience on the blog. Thanks very much for your support and I hope it might be helpful to read about working with vows for a month.
Samuel Gentoku McCree